黄琼,四川大学光学专业本科及硕士毕业,2008年获得美国密歇根大学电子工程(光学)博士学位。2007-2008年任Opteos高级工程师, 2009-2010年任麦格纳电子(Magna Electronics)光学工程师,2011年至今任西门子集团欧司朗北美研发中心(Osram Sylvania Lighting Research Center)光学高级工程师。完成了10余项国内外科研项目,发表论文10余篇。研究方向和专长包括照明光学,光学设计,光学器件,光学测量,光学仪器,机器视觉,成像系统。
A Light Guide Design Method for Lighting Applications
Qiong Huang
Lighting Research Center, OSRAM Sylvania Inc., 71 Cherry Hill Dr., Beverly, MA 01915
Edge-lit LED panels have been successfully used as backlights in display applications including cell phones, tablets, LCD monitors, and TVs. With the decreasing cost and increasing efficiency of LEDs, they are penetrating into general lighting applications. Optical performances of edge-lit LED panels are two characters are contradictory to each other. In different applications, requirements for optical efficiency and surface illuminance uniformity are significantly different. Lighting applications need a high optical efficiency (above 80%) with a wide tolerance of surface illuminance uniformity. In this paper, a light guide design method is studied to achieve user-defined surface illuminance distributions with a high optical efficiency. Simulations results shows that uniform and non-uniform surface illuminance distributions can be achieved with a high optical efficiency up to 88%.