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Toward Human Centric Video Understanding

供稿:卿粼波    责任编辑:陈慧媛    时间:2016-06-21    阅读:






Video is the biggest big data that contains an enormous amount of information. At Microsoft Research Asia, we are leveraging computer vision and deep learning to develop a cloud-based intelligence engine that can turn raw video data into insights to facilitate various applications and services. In this talk, I will introduce our recent effort on human centric video analysis and present some latest technologies we have developed including online learning based face/human tracking/identification/redaction, skeleton-based human action recognition using regularized deep LSTM networks, and real-time human action detection and forecasting in streaming video, etc. I will also shed some light on the go-to-market aspect of this intelligent cloud effort.

Short Bio:

Wenjun (Kevin) Zengis a Principal Research Manager overseeing the Internet Media Group and the Media Computing Group at Microsoft Research Asia, while on leave from the Univ. of Missouri (MU)where he is a Full Professor.He had worked for PacketVideo Corp., Sharp Labs of America, Bell Labs, and Panasonic Technology prior to joining MU in 2003. Wenjun has contributed significantly to the development of international standards (ISO MPEG, JPEG2000, and OMA).?He received his B.E., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua Univ., the Univ. of Notre Dame, and Princeton Univ., respectively.?His current research interest includes mobile-cloud media computing, computer vision, social network/media analysis, multimedia communications, and content/network security.

He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He isan Associate Editor-in-ChiefofIEEE Multimedia Magazine,and was an AE ofIEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT),IEEE Trans. on Info. Forensics & Security,andIEEE Trans. on Multimedia(TMM).Heis/was on the Steering Committee ofIEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing(current) andIEEE TMM(2009-2012).He served as the Steering Committee Chair ofIEEEICMEin 2010 and 2011,and has served as the TPC Chair of several IEEE conferences (e.g., ChinaSIP’15, WIFS’13, ICME’09, CCNC’07). He will be a general co-Chair of ICME2018. He is currently guest editing anIEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on Impact of Next-Generation Mobile Technologies on IoT-Cloud Convergence?and aTCSVT Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud - Mobile Computing, and was a Special Issue Guest Editor forthe Proceedings of the IEEE,IEEE TMM,andACM TOMCCAP.

