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供稿:    责任编辑:    时间:2022-09-21    阅读:

周艳萍【副教授 硕士生导师】



Email:[email protected]


地址:成都市一环路南一段24号双赢彩票-SG WIN



2008年在西安交通大学获环境工程学士学位;2011年在中国科学院生态环境研究中心“环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室”获环境科学硕士学位;20162月在新加坡南洋理工大学获材料工程博士学位。20163-6月在南洋理工大学从事博士后研究工作,方向为生物仿生;20167月至今在双赢彩票-SG WIN 从事教学和科研工作,主要研究领域为多层吸波体设计、微波新效应及微波新技术的应用。 


主持国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2019.1-2021.12)

主持四川省国际合作项目 (2019.1-2021.12)

主持四川大学个人科研启动项目 (2016.9 - 2019.7)

主持环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室开放基金 (2017.1- 2018. 12)


 24. Xu F.+; Zhou Y.+; Zhai X.; Zhang H.; Liu H.; Ang E. H.; Lu Y.; Nie Z.; Zhou M.; Zhu J., Ultrafast Universal Fabrication   of Metal-Organic Complex Nanosheets by Joule Heating Engineering. Small Methods 2021.

 23. Luo, P.; Zheng, C.; He, J.; Tu, X.; Sun, W.; Pan, H.; Zhou, Y. *; Rui, X. *; Zhang, B.; Huang, K., Structural Engineering in Graphite-Based Metal-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials 2021.

 22. Luo, P.; Lyu, S.; Zhang, B.; Wang, H.; Zhou, Y. *; Zhang, B.; Huang, K., Microwave-Boosted One-Step Synthesis of Nanocrystal N-Doped 2D Carbon/Ni Composite with High Electromagnetic Absorption Performance. Processes 2021, 9 (10).

21. Liu, Y.; He, J.; Zhang, B.; Zhu, H.; Yang, Y.; Wu, L.; Zhang, W.*; Zhou, Y.*; Huang, K., A self-boosting microwave plasma strategy tuned by air pressure for the highly efficient and controllable surface modification of carbon. RSC Advances 2021, 11 (17), 9955-9963.

20. Liu, Y.; He, J.; Zhang, N.; Zhang, W.*; Zhou, Y.*; Huang, K., Advances of microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in fabrication of carbon nanotubes: a review. Journal of Materials Science 2021, 56 (22), 12559-12583.

19. Zhang, X.; Chen, D.; Zhou, Y.*; Yang, D.; Liu, W.; Feng, Y.; Rui, X.*; Yu, Y., Mesoporous carbon nanosheet-assembled flowers towards superior potassium storage. Chinese Chemical Letters 2021, 32 (3), 1161-1164.

18. Zhou, Y.; Zhang, X.; Liu, Y.; Xie, X.; Rui, X.*; Zhang, X.; Feng, Y.; Zhang, X.; Yu, Y.*; Huang, K., A High-Temperature Na-Ion Battery: Boosting the Rate Capability and Cycle Life by Structure Engineering. Small 2020, 16 (7).

17. Yang, D. +; Zhou, Y. +; Geng, H.; Liu, C.; Lu, B.; Rui, X.*; Yan, Q.*, Pathways towards high energy aqueous rechargeable batteries. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2020, 424.

16. Zhao, C.; Xue, L.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Y*.; Huang, K., A microwave atmospheric plasma strategy for fast and efficient degradation of aqueous p-nitrophenol. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 124473-124473.

15. Mao, Y.; Zhang, X.; Zhou, Y.*; Chu, W.*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of porous nano-sized Na3V2(PO4)2F3@C nanospheres for sodium ion batteries with enhanced stability. Scripta Materialia 2020, 181, 92-96.

14. Zhang, Q.; Ding, Y.; Huang, A.; Xu, F.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Lin, H.; Rui, K.; Yan, Y.; Shen, Y.; Zhou, Y.*; Zhu, J. *, Selective Solid-Liquid Interface Sulfidation Growth of Hierarchical Copper Sulfide and Its Hybrid Nanoflakes for Superior Lithium-Ion Storage. Chemistry-an Asian Journal 2020, 15 (11), 1722-1727.

13. Xie, X.; Wang, H.; Zhou, Y.*; Huang, K., One-step self-triggered microwave-assisted fabrication of NiCo/graphene for microwave attenuation. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 2020, 31 (15), 12467-12475.

12. Zhou, Y. +; Li, J. +; Yang, Y.; Luo, B.; Zhang, X.; Fong, E.; Chu, W.; Huang, K.*, Unique 3D flower-on-sheet nanostructure of NiCo LDHs: Controllable microwave-assisted synthesis and its application for advanced supercapacitors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019, 788, 1029-1036.

11. Luo, B.; Zhang, X.; Xie, T.; Zhou, Y.*; Huang, K., Microwave-power-enabled tuning of NiCo double hydroxide nanostructures. Journal of Materials Science 2019, 54 (8), 6088-6097.

10. Xie, X.; Zhou, Y.*; Huang, K., Advances in Microwave-Assisted Production of Reduced Graphene Oxide. Frontiers in Chemistry 2019, 7.

9. Zhang, X.; Zhou, Y.*; Mao, Y.; Wei, M.; Chu, W.*; Huang, K., Rapid synthesis of ultrafine NiCo2O4 nanoparticles loaded carbon nanotubes for lithium ion battery anode materials. Chemical Physics Letters 2019, 715, 278-283.

8. Zhang, Q. +; Zhou, Y. +; Xu, F.; Lin, H.; Yan, Y.; Rui, K.; Zhang, C.; Wang, Q.; Ma, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, K.; Zhu, J.*; Huang, W.*, Topochemical Synthesis of 2D Carbon Hybrids through Self-Boosting Catalytic Carbonization of a Metal-Polymer Framework. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2018, 57 (50), 16436-16441.

7. Zhang, X.; Zhou, Y.*; Luo, B.; Zhu, H.; Chu, W.*; Huang, K., Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of NiCo2O4 Double-Shelled Hollow Spheres for High-Performance Sodium Ion Batteries. Nano-Micro Letters 2018, 10 (1).

6. Zhou, Y.; Lisowski, W.; Zhou, Y.; Jern, N. W.; Huang, K.; Fong, E.*, Genetic improvement of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense for enhanced biological removal of phosphate. Biotechnology letters 2017.

5. Zhou, Y. +; Sun, W. +; Rui, X.; Zhou, Y.; Ng, W. J.; Yan, Q.*; Fong, E.*, Biochemistry-derived porous carbon-encapsulated metal oxide nanocrystals for enhanced sodium storage. Nano Energy 2016, 21, 71-79.

4. Zhou, Y. +; Rui, X. +; Sun, W.; Xu, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Ng, W. J.; Yan, Q.*; Fong, E.*, Biochemistry-Enabled 3D Foams for Ultrafast Battery Cathodes. Acs Nano 2015, 9 (4), 4628-4635.

3. Zhou, Y. +; Yang, D. +; Zeng, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Ng, W. J.; Yan, Q.*; Fong, E.*, Recycling Bacteria for the Synthesis of LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn) Nanostructures for High-Power Lithium Batteries. Small 2014, 10 (19), 3997-4002.

2. Yang, D. +; Zhou, Y. +; Rui, X.; Zhu, J.; Lu, Z.; Fong, E.*; Yan, Q.*, Fe3O4 nanoparticle chains with N-doped carbon coating: magnetotactic bacteria assisted synthesis and high-rate lithium storage. Rsc Advances 2013, 3 (35), 14960-14962.

1.Zhou, Y.; Wen, B.*; Pei, Z.; Chen, G.; Lv, J.; Fang, J.; Shan, X.; Zhang, S., Coadsorption of copper and perfluorooctane sulfonate onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 203, 148-157.