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供稿:    责任编辑:双赢彩票 管理员    时间:2024-01-02    阅读:

特聘研究员 四川大学“双百人才工程”入选者


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  • 散射波前整形(Wavefront shaping)与成像技术:


  • 光学干涉精密检测:


  • 大气遥感激光雷达:





成中涛博士于浙江大学获得博士学位后前往美国加州理工学院(Caltech)从事博士后研究,于2023年加入双赢彩票-SG WIN 任特聘研究员。

长期从事与光学散射、干涉相关的光场调控和传感技术研究,在工程实践与科学探索两方面均累积了丰富的研究经验:研制了基于干涉仪的大气遥感激光雷达系统,实现了对大气颗粒物光学参数的远程探测;在控制光穿过或深入散射介质聚焦的波前整形技术领域中取得了一系列原创性成果,在医学诊断与治疗、军事等领域具有重要的应用价值。以第一作者在《Nature Photonics》、《Light: Science and applications》等光学顶级学术期刊发表论文;曾获得中国光学工程学会颁发的全国光学工程学科优秀博士学位论文提名奖、中国仪器仪表学会颁发的金国藩青年学子奖等奖项。


1.Z. Cheng, C. Li, A. Khadria,et al., “High-gain and high-speed wavefront shaping through scattering media”,Nature Photonics 17, 299 (2023).[Nature子刊,IF35]

2.Z. Chengand L. V. Wang, “Focusing light into scattering media with ultrasound-induced field perturbation,”Light: Science & Applications 10, 159 (2021).[光学顶级期刊,IF19.4]

3.Z. Cheng,J. Yang, and L. Wang, “Single-shot time-reversed optical focusing into and through scattering media”,ACS Photonics 7, 2871 (2020).

4.Z. Cheng,J. Yang, and L. Wang, “Intelligently optimized digital optical phase conjugation with particle swarm optimization”,Optics Letters 45, 431 (2020)

5.Z. Cheng,J. Yang, and L. Wang,“Dual-polarization analog optical phase conjugation for focusing light through scattering media”, Applied Physics Letters 114,231104(2019).

6.Z. Cheng*,D. Liu, and L. Zhang, “Random two-frame phase-shifting interferometry via minimization of coefficient of variation”,Applied Physics Letters 115, 121107(2019).

7.Z. Cheng*,andD. Liu, “Universal phase reconstruction approach of self-calibrating phase-shifting interferometry”,Optics Letters 44, 3857-3860 (2019).

8.Z. Cheng*,andD. Liu, “Fast and accurate wavefront reconstruction in two-frame phase-shifting interferometry with unknown phase step”,Optics Letters 43, 3033-3036(2018).

9.Z. Cheng,D. Liu, Y. Zhang,et al., “Generalized high-spectral-resolution lidar technique with a multimode laser for aerosol remote sensing”,Optics Express 25, 979-993 (2017).

10.Z. Cheng, D. Liu, Y. Zhou,et al.“Frequency locking of a field-widened Michelson interferometer based on optimal multi-harmonics heterodyning,”Optics Letters 41, 3916-3919(2016).

11.Z. Cheng, D. Liu, Y. Zhang,et al., "Field-widened Michelson interferometer for spectral discrimination in high-spectral-resolution lidar: practical development,"Optics Express 24, 7232-7245 (2016).

12.Z. Cheng,D. Liu, Y. Yang,et al., "Practical phase unwrapping of interferometric fringes based on unscented Kalman filter technique,"Optics Express 23, 32337-32349 (2015).

13.Z. Cheng,D. Liu, J. Luo,et al., "Field-widened Michelson interferometer for spectral discrimination in high-spectral-resolution lidar: theoretical framework,"Optics Express 23, 12117-12134 (2015).

14.Z. Cheng, D. Liu, J. Luo,et al., "Effects of spectral discrimination in high-spectral-resolution lidar on the retrieval errors for atmospheric aerosol optical properties,"Applied Optics 53, 4386-4397 (2014).

15.Z. Cheng, D. Liu, Y. Yang,et al., "Interferometric filters for spectral discrimination in high-spectral-resolution lidar: performance comparisons between Fabry-Perot interferometer and field-widened Michelson interferometer,"Applied Optics 52, 7838-7850 (2013).

16.D. Liu, Y. Yang,Z. Cheng,et al., "Retrieval and analysis of a polarized high-spectral-resolution lidar for profiling aerosol optical properties,"Optics Express 21, 13084-13093 (2013).

17.S. Gigan, O. Katz, H. B. de Aguiar, et al., "Roadmap on wavefront shaping and deep imaging in complex media,"Journal of Physics: Photonics 4, 042501 (2022). (Invited review)


1.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛, “一种高光谱分辨率激光雷达装置,” 专利号. 201310244136.2.

2.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛,李璐, “一种遥感区分灰霾类别的激光雷达装置,”专利号. 201310244160.6.

3.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛, “一种迈克尔逊干涉型光谱滤波器谐振频率锁定装置及方法,”专利号. 201410025286.9.

4.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛, “一种FP干涉型光谱滤波器谐振频率锁定装置及方法,”专利号. 201410025290.5.

5.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛,罗敬, “一种FWMI光谱滤光器调整与性能测试装置及方法,”专利号. 201510111239.0.

6.刘东,杨甬英,成中涛, “多谐波外差锁定视场展宽迈克尔逊干涉仪的装置,”专利号. 201610216993.5.