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供稿:    责任编辑:李运国    时间:2022-06-24    阅读:





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主持并参与了多个国家自然科学基金,基础科研挑战计划等项目研究。在国内外知名刊物上发表论文60余篇,其中SCI检索50余篇,SCI他引1000多次。研究成果被光学工程类顶级期刊Optics Express选作封面文章2次、入选Editors’ Pick 2次。作为共同发明人有7项技术发明专利获得授权,其中美国专利1项。参与编写学术专著2本。担任SPIEicOPEN等多个光学国际学术会议的委员会委员,以及受邀担任光学期刊 Photonics(ISSN 2304-6732)的特约编辑(Guest Editor)


  • 2010年8月-2013年12月,Iowa State University虚拟现实中心,博士

  • 20154月-20179月,中国工程物理研究院,工程师

  • 201710月-20209月,武汉大学测绘遥感国家重点实验室,特聘副研究员

  • 202010月-至今,双赢彩票-SG WIN ,特聘研究员

  • 获Iowa State University优秀研究奖(Excellent Research Award

  • 2021年入选四川省“天府峨眉计划”青年人才

  • 现任SPIE Commercial + Scientific Sensing and ImagingSPIE/COS Photonics AsiaicOPEN等国际会议技术委员会委员;

  • 国际知名学术期刊审稿人(IEEE Transactions on Industrial ElectronicsOptics LettersOptics ExpressOptics & Lasers in Engineering



  • 科研项目:

  1. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心,多模态多线束激光线扫描测量系统研制,主持

  2. 中国空气动力研究与发展中心,重点实验室开放项目,冰形三维测量研究,主持

  3. 四川大学“双一流”建设人才专项项目,高速大景深三维测量方法研究,主持

  4. 武汉大学“双一流”建设专项人才启动经费,高速高动态范围三维测量方法,主持

  5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于透视差效应的同轴结构光三维测量方法研究,主持

  6. 基础科研挑战计划项目,弱刚性曲面构件形位误差与表面缺陷的高精度测量,课题组副组长

  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,心肌缺血心电信息的三维彩色编码心脏模型显示,参与

  8. 美国国家自然科学基金“High-speed 3D optical metrology for in-situ applications”,参与

  9. 美国国家自然科学基金“Dense superfast 3D sensing of extremely rapidly changing mechanical and biological scenes”,参与



  1. Y. Wang, B. Li and S. Zhang, Three-dimensional shape measurement with binary dithering techniques. Recent Advances in Topography Research (2013). (invited)

  2. L. Ekstrand, Y. Wang, N. Karpinsky and S. Zhang. Superfast 3D profilometry with digital fringe projection and phase-shifting techniques. Handbook of 3D machine vision: Optical metrology and imaging (2012). (invited)



  3. J. Zhang, B. Luo, F. Li, X. Niu, Q. Zhang, Y. Wang*, Single-exposure optical measurement of highly reflective surfaces via Deep Sinusoidal Prior for complex equipment production, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022. (IF: 10.215)

  4. Jing Zhang, Bin Luo, Zhuolong Xiang, Qican Zhang, Yajun Wang*, Xin Su, Jun Liu, Lu Li, and Wei Wang, Deep-learning-based adaptive camera calibration for various defocusing degrees, Opt. Lett. 46, 5537-5540 (2021) .(Editors’ Pick)

  5. Wenbo Guo, Zhoujie Wu, Qican Zhang, Yajun Wang*. (2021). Real-time motion-induced error compensation for 4-step phase-shifting profilometry. Optics Express. 29. 10.1364 433831.

  6. Jing Zhang, Bin Luo, Xin Su, Lu Li, Beiwen Li, Song Zhang, Yajun Wang*, A convenient 3D reconstruction model based on parallel-axis structured light system, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 138, 106366 (2021).

  7. Y. Wang, L. Liu, J. Wu, X. Chen*, and Y. Wang*, Hilbert transform based crosstalk compensation for color fringe projection profilometryOpt. Lett. 45(8), 2199-2202 (2020)

  8. Y. Zheng, Y. Wang*, B. Li*. Active shape from projection defocus profilometry. Opt. Laser Eng., 134, 106277 (2020).

  9. X. Chen, R. Fan, J. Wu, X. Song, Q. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Wang*, Bo Tao, Fourier transform based two-stage camera calibration method with simple periodical pattern, Opt. Laser Eng. 133, 106121 (2020).

  10. Y. Wang*, J. S. Hyun, S. Zhang*, B. Luo, Z. Liu, C. Jiang and B. Tao, “Multilevel symmetric pattern design and optimization for high-speed and high-accuracy 3D shape measurement,” Opt. Laser Tech. 126, 106103 (2020).

  11. Y. Wang, V. Suresh and B. Li*. Motion-induced error reduction for binary defocusing profilometry via additional temporal sampling, Opt. Express, 2019, 27(17), 23948. (封面)  

  12. Y. Wang, L. Liu, J. Wu, X. Song, X. Chen*, and Y. Wang*, “Dynamic three-dimensional shape measurement with a complementary phase-coding method,” Opt. Laser Eng. 127, 105982 (2019).

  13. J. Zhang, B. Luo, X. Su, Y. Wang, X. Chen, Y. Wang*, “Depth range enhancement of binary defocusing technique based on multi-frequency phase merging,” Opt. Express, 27(25), 36717 (2019).

  14. Y. Wang, J. Zhang, and B. Luo*, “High dynamic range 3D measurement based on spectral modulation and hyperspectral imaging,” Opt. Express, 26(26), 34442-34450 (2018).

  15. V. Suresh, Y. Wang, and B. Li*, “High-dynamic-range 3D shape measurement utilizing the transitioning state of digital micro-mirror device,” Opt. Laser Eng. 107, 176-181(2018).

  16. Y. Wang, Z. Liu, C. Jiang, and S. Zhang*. Motion induced phase error reduction using a Hilbert transform, Opt. Express, 26(26), 34224-34235 (2018).  

  17. Y. Wang, C. Jiang, and S. Zhang*, “Double-pattern triangular pulse width modulation technique for high-accuracy high-speed 3D shape measurement,” Opt. Express 25(24), 30177-30188 (2017).

  18. Y. Wang, X. Chen*, L. Huang, Q. Liu, L. Li and W. Huang, “Improved phase-coding methods with fewer patterns for 3D shape measurement,” Opt. Comm.401, 6-10 (2017).

  19. Y. Wang*, L. Zhang, S. Yang, and F. Ji, “Two-channel high-accuracy Holoimage technique for three-dimensional data compression,” Opt. Laser Eng. 85, 48-52(2016).

  20. Y. Wang* and L. Zhang, “High-accuracy dithering-based three-dimensional data compression by phase correction,” App. Opt. 55(1), 58-62(2016).

  21. X. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Ma and C. Zeng*, “Quantized phase coding and connected region labeling for absolute phase retrieval,” Opt. Express 24(25), 28613 (2016).

  22. Y. Wang, B. Bhattacharya, E. H. Winer, P. Kosmicki, W. H. EI-RataI, and S. Zhang*, “Digital micromirror transient response influence on superfast 3D shape measurement,” Opt. Laser Eng. 58, 19-26 (2014).

  23. Y. Wang, J. I. Laughner, I. R. Efimov, and S. Zhang*. 3D absolute shape measurement of live rabbit hearts with a superfast two-frequency phase-shifting technique, Opt. Express, 2013, 21(5), 5822-5832. (封面)

  24. Y. Wang and S. Zhang*. Novel phase-coding method for absolute phase retrieval, Opt. Lett. 2012, 37(11), 2067-2069.

  25. Y. Wang and S. Zhang*. Optimal pulse width modulation for sinusoidal fringe generation with projector defocusing, Opt. Lett. 2010, 35(24), 4121-4123.


  1. S. Zhang, Y. Wang and W. F. Lohry, “3D shape measurement using dithering,” US Patent No.: US 8929644 B2 (Filed on January 6, 2015) (国际专利)

  2. 王玉伟、刘路、陈向成、王亚军,一种基于空域二值编码的结构光三维测量方法,ZL 201910783587.0, 2019.8.232021.4.20),安徽农业大学

  3. 王亚军、罗斌、王伟, 基于光谱调制与多光谱成像的高动态范围三维测量方法,  ZL201910108549.52019.12.10,武汉斌果科技有限公司

  4. 王亚军、罗斌、张婧、李大铭、王伟, 一种基于多焦投影系统的大景深二值离焦三维测量方法 ZL201910584255X2019.7.12021.4.16),武汉斌果科技有限公司

  5. 刘元坤,于馨,陈文静,张启灿,薛俊鹏,王亚军,申俊飞,发明专利,基于概率密度函数提高相移误差检测精度的方法及系统,中国,CN113091645B,证书号第4905920号,2021

  6. 刘元坤,任慧,陈文静,薛俊鹏,张启灿,王亚军,申俊飞,发明专利,一种基于倾斜聚焦和旋转扫描的调制轮廓测量系统及方法,中国,CN112880590B,证书号第4835703号,2021

  7. 张连新、吴祉群、孙鹏飞、柯瑞、蓝河、唐小会、丁颖、王亚军、樊炜,一种射流抛光复合机床,ZL20171001225532017.8.18,中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所

  8. 张连新、高浪、吉方、王宝瑞、柯瑞、吴祉群、蓝河、周铭、王亚军、樊炜,一种抛光复合机床及抛光方法, ZL201610306546.92018.1.12,中国工程物理研究院机械制造工艺研究所

  9. Y. Wang, L. Zhang, B. Wang, F. Ji and Y. Hong, “一种带误差反馈的三维数据编解码方法,” ZL201510665133.5 (Filed on December 15, 2017)


