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供稿:    责任编辑:李运国    时间:2022-09-19    阅读:

李小伟 研究员 博士生导师

邮箱:[email protected]

地址:望江校区 成都市武侯区一环路南一段24号







ResearchGate ID://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xiaowei_Li58/research


2014/8于韩国Pukyong National University获得工学博士学位,2014/09 - 2015/12,韩国 Yonsei University 研究员,2016/01 - 2019/08 四川大学 特聘副研究员,2019/9-至今,通过优秀青年破格晋升为研究员,同年入选四川大学“百人计划工程,并于2020年成为四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。



(1) 国家自然科学基金-面上基金项目:基于深度渲染集成成像的3D图像版权保护与加密技术研究 (2023.01-2026.12,在研)

(2) 国家自然科学基金-面上基金项目:集成成像3D视频实时加密技术研究(2020.01-2023.12,在研)

(3) 成都市国际科技合作项目:基于区块链的3D多媒体数据安全传输关键技术研究 (2022.09-2024.12,在研)

(4) 中电天奥(十所)创新理论技术群基金项目(2022.09-2023-09,在研)

(5) 国家重点研发计划-子课题:桌面实时真三维显示应用示范系统(2017.10-2021.09,结题)

(6) 国家自然科学基金-青年基金项目:基于单光谱集成成像的3D彩色图像加密技术研究 (2018.01-2020.12,结题)

(7) 四川大学人才引进科研启动项目 (2016-2018,结题)


(1) 2019年四川大学“双百人才工程”百人计划

(2) 2018年四川大学好未来优秀学者奖”


担任SCI期刊Sensors专题编辑,International Journal of Optics、Entropy、Symmetry等多家SCI期刊的客座主编,多家国际会议分会主席,IEEE TIP, IEEE TSP,IEEE TII,Opt Lett,Opt Express等10余家SCI期刊的独立审稿人。


在3D成像、多媒体安全、计算成像等领域发表国际论文50余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份发表JCR Q1论文20余篇,2篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,包括国际顶刊IEEE TII/J-STSP、光学领域知名期刊Optics Letters/Optics Express 15余篇,申请中国发明专利8项,已授权2项。以第一作者发表SCI论文他引800余次。关于图像版权保护的研究成果引起美国光学学会(Optica)关注,并于2021年12月20日被选为Optica数据库的“Image of the week”。


[1] Zhiqing Ren, Junfeng Guo, Hang Liu, Xiaowei Li*, “Light-field 3D encryption based on the monocular depth rendering,” Optics Letters, 47, 4762-4765 (2022) (中科院2).

[2] Ying Li, Tianhao Wang, Yanheng Liao, Da-Hai Li, Xiaowei Li*, “3D medical images security via light-field imaging,” Optics Letters, 47(14), 3535-3538 (2022) (中科院2).

[3] Ying Li, Tianhao Wang, Yanheng Liao, Da-Hai Li, Xiaowei Li*, “Deep-learning-based 3D object salient detection via light-field integral imaging,” Optics Letters, 47(7), 1758-1761 (2022) (中科院2).

[4] Hang Liu, Yani Chen, Li Zhang, Da-Hai Li, Xiaowei Li*, “Color ghost imaging through the scattering media based on A-cGAN,” Optics Letters, 47(3), 569-572 (2022) (中科院2).

[5] Xiaowei Li, Zhiqing Ren, Tianhao Wang, Huan Deng, “Ownership protection for light-field 3D images: HDCT watermarking,” Optics Express, 29(26), 43256-43269 (2021) (中科院2).

[6] Li Zhang, Ying Wang, Da-Hai Li*, Qiang Li, Wuxiang Zhao, Xiaowei Li*, “Cryptanalysis for light-field 3D cryptosystem based on M-cGAN,” Optics Letters, 46(19), 4916-4919 (2021) (中科院2).

[7] Huan Deng, Qiang Li, Wei He, Xiaowei Li*, Hui Ren, Cong Chen, “2D/3D mixed frontal projection system based on integral imaging,” Optics Express, 28(18), 26385-26394 (2020) (中科院2).

[8] Xiaowei Li, Wang Ying, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Seok-Tae Kim, Xin Zhou, “Copyright protection for holographic video using spatiotemporal consistent embedding strategy,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(11): 6187-6197 (2019) (中科院1).

[9] Xiaowei Li, Seok-Tae Kim, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Designing three-dimensional cellular automata based video authentication with an optical integral imaging generated memory-distributed watermark,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 11(7), 1200-1212 (2017) (中科院1).

[10] Xiaowei Li Zhao Min, Xin Zhou, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Ownership protection of holograms using quick-response encoded plenoptic watermark,” Optics Express, 26(23), 30492-30508 (2018) (中科院2).

[11] Xiaowei Li, Zhao Min, Seok-Tae Kim, Zhou Xin, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Designing optical 3D images encryption and reconstruction using monospectral synthetic aperture integral imaging,” Optics Express, 26(9), 11084-11099 (2018) (中科院2).

[12] Xiaowei Li, Zhao Min, Xing Yan, Li Lei, Seok-Tae Kim, Xin Zhou, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Optical encryption via monospectral integral imaging,Optics Express, 25(25), 31516-31527 (2017) (中科院2).

[13] Xiaowei Li, Kim Seok-Tae, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Copyright protection for elemental image array by hypercomplex Fourier transform and an adaptive texturized holographic algorithm,” Optics Express, 25(15), 17076-17098 (2017) (中科院2).

[14] Xiaowei Li, Ying Wang, Seok-Tae Kim, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Optical 3D object security and reconstruction using pixel evaluated integral imaging algorithm,” Optics Express, 15(11): 6187-6197 (2019) (中科院2).

[15] Xiaowei Li, In-Kwon Lee*, “Robust copyright protection using multiple ownership watermarks,” Optics Express, 39(14), 3899-3912 (2015) (中科院2).

[16] Xiaowei Li, Cheng-Qing Li, In-Kwon Lee*, Chaotic image encryption using pseudo-random masks and pixel mapping, Signal Processing, 2016, 125: 48-63 (中科院2).

[17] Xiaowei Li, Seok-Tae Kim, In-Kwon Lee*, 3D image encoding in FT domain based on CGII algorithm, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015, 39(14): 3899-3912 (中科院1).

[18] H Zeng, Y Xing, Seok-Tae Kim, Xiaowei Li*, Designing real-time 3D image security with CA-based random mode decomposition, Signal Processing, 197, 2022, 108554 (中科院2).

[19] Xiaowei Li, Ying Wang, Wang Qiong-Hua*, “Modified integral imaging reconstruction and encryption using an improved SR reconstruction algorithm,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 112, 162-169 (2019). [IF=5.666, ESI 1%高被引论文]

[20] Xiaowei Li, Dan Xiao, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Error-free holographic frames encryption with CA pixel-permutation encoding algorithm,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 100, 200-207 (2018). [IF=5.666, ESI 1%高被引论文]

[21] Zhiqing Ren, Ying Wang, Li Zhang, Da-Hai Li, Xiaowei Li*, “3D image hiding using deep demosaicking and computational integral imaging,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 148, 106772 (2022).

[22] Xiaowei Li, Liu Yang, Seok-Tae Kim, Qiong-Hua Wang*, Designing a genetic watermarking approach for 3D scenes, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2017, 93: 83-91 (中科院2).

[23] Xiaowei Li, In-Kwon Lee*, Modified computational integral imaging-based double image encryption using fractional Fourier transform, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015. (中科院2).

[24] Xiaowei Li, Seok-Tae Kim, In-Kwon Lee*, Improved integral imaging based image copyright protection algorithm using 3-D computational integral imaging pickup and super-resolution reconstruction technique, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015. (中科院2).

[25] Xiaowei Li, Sung Jin Cho, Seok-Tae Kim*, High security and robust optical image encryption approach based on computer-generated integral imaging pickup and iterative back-projection techniques, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2015. (中科院2).

[26] Xiaowei Li, Seok-Tae Kim*, Optical 3D watermark based digital image watermarking for telemedicine, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2013 (中科院2).


2022届:张力 (华为)