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供稿:    责任编辑:李运国    时间:2024-07-05    阅读:





Email:[email protected]


地址:成都市一环路南一段24号双赢彩票-SG WIN








2007年和2012年先后赴澳大利亚Monash University和美国University of California, Irvine做访问学者;


2005-2017年任双赢彩票-SG WIN 副院长,四川大学国家保密学院教学副院长。








12015. 宝钢优秀教师奖(个人)

22020. 四川大学“卓越教学奖”二等奖(个人)

32020. 四川大学优秀共产党员(个人)



62021. 四川省人民政府,四川省优秀教学成果二等奖

72018. 四川省人民政府,四川省优秀教学成果一等奖

82013. 四川省人民政府,四川省优秀教学成果一等奖

92008. 四川省人民政府,四川省优秀教学成果三等奖





1.Shuqi Liu, Zhou Xinzhi*, Junhui Yu, Yan Wang, Tao Xu, Hailin Wang. Graph attention Network-Based model for multiple fault detection and identification of sensors in nuclear power plant[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2024, v 419:112949.SCI

2.Yixin Duan , Liwei Chen , Zhou Xinzhi*, Youan Shi , Nan Wu. Boiler Furnace Temperature Field Measurement and Reconstruction Error Elimination Based on Temperature Field Residual Correction Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, v73: 2507215.SCI

3.Siyu Li, Zhou Xinzhi*, Jialiang Zhu, Zhengxi He, Tao Xu, Hailin Wang. Reconstruction method of multidimensional spatio-temporal channel for highly dynamic temperature field based on acoustic tomography imaging[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2024, v221: 109979.SCI

4.Yixiao Chen, Zhou Xinzhi*, Jialiang Zhu, Chenlong Dong, Tao Xu, Hailin Wang. Measured Regional Division Optimization for Acoustic Tomography Velocity Field Reconstruction in a Circular Area[J]. Sensors, 2024, 246):2008.SCI

5.Fu Yi, Zhou Xinzhi*, Li Bo, Zhang Yuexin. Daily Water Level Time Series Prediction Using ECRBM-Based Ensemble Optimized Neural Network Model [J]. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 2023, 28 (1): 12.SCI

6.Liu Shuqi, Zhou Xinzhi*, Li Bo, He Xin, et al. Improving short-term streamflow forecasting by flow mode clustering [J]. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2023, 37 (5): 1799-1819. SCI

7.Lin Ruixiang, Zhou Xinzhi*, Li Bo, He Xin. A pre-training model based on CFD for open-channel velocity field prediction with small sample data[J]. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2023, 25(2): 396-414. SCI

8.Pan Guoqian, Xiang Yong, Wang Xiaorui, Yu Zhongquan, Zhou Xinzhi*. Research on path planning algorithm of mobile robot based on reinforcement learning[J]. Soft Computing, 2022, 26(18): 8961-8970. (SCI)

9.Liu Ying, Yang Xiuqing, Xiang Yong, Chen Yi, Mao Gang, Zhou Xinzhi*. Allocation and optimization of shared self-service check-in system based on integer programming model[J]. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2022, 44:532–556 (SCI)

10.Hailin Wang, Zhou Xinzhi*, Qingfeng Yang, Jianjun Chen,  Chenlong Dong, Li Zhao,  A Reconstruction Method of Boiler Furnace Temperature Distribution Based on Acoustic Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , 2021, v709600413. (SCI)

11.Zhao Li, Zhou Xinzhi*, Dong Chenlong, Wu Yuhui, Wang Hailin. Ultrasonic Thermometry Algorithm Based on Inverse Quadratic Function[J] IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 2021,v68:1876-1884. (SCI)

12.Xiong, Ni ,Zhou Xinzhi*,Yang Xiuqing,Xiang, Yong,Ma, Junyong. Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Time Taboo Ant Colony Optimization in Dynamic Environment[J]Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2021,v15: 642733  (SCI)

13.Xinfang Wu, Yong Xiang, Gang Mao, Mingqian Du, Xiuqing Yang, Xinzhi Zhou*. Forecasting air passenger traffic flow based on the two-phase learning model[J] The Journal of Supercomputing, 2021,v77:42214243. (SCI)

14.Xiao-ying BiBo LiWen-long LuXin-zhi Zhou*. Daily runoff forecasting based on data-augmented neural network model[J]Journal of Hydroinformatics. 2020v22: 900-915. (SCI)

15.Zhou Xinzhi*, Dong Chenlong, Zhao Chengping, Bai Xingdu. Temperature-field reconstruction algorithm based on reflected sigmoidal radial basis function and QR decomposition[J]Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020v171114987.SCI

16.Han Lu, Ning Qian, Chen Bingcai, Lei Yinjie, Zhou Xinzhi. Ground threat evaluation and jamming allocation model with Markov chain for aircraft[J]IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation2020v14:1039-1045. (SCI)

17.Yan Hua, Huang Yong, Zhou Xinzhi*, Lei Yinjie, An Efficient and Non-Time-Sensitive File-Aware Garbage Collection Algorithm for NAND Flash-Based Consumer Electronics[J]IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2019, 65(1): 73-79. SCI

18.Zhou Xinzhi*, Wang Wei, Zhao Ruiyong, Gong Yunhong. Study on the Temperature Control Method for Piecewise Microwave Heating[J] Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering2018, 11(3): 280-285. SCI

19.Wei Shuaifang, Zhou Xinzhi*, Wu Wei, Pu Qiang, Wang Qionghua, Yang Xiaomin. Medical image super-resolution by using multi-dictionary and random forest[J]Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 37: 358-370.SCI

20.Zhou Xinzhi*Shao LunLi RongkunZhao ChengpingDong Chenlong. Research on temperature prediction model for microwave heating based on wavelet denoising and improved PSO-SVM[J]Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal, 2018v 69291-299.EI

21.Zhou Xinzhi*, Shao LunCui KeYang YangZhou YuZhang Ruobin. Research on multi-stage power control system of lignite microwave drying production line[J]Huagong Xuebao/CIESC Journal, 2018v 69p 274-282.EI

22.Lei Yinjie, Guo Yulan, Hayat Munawar, Bennamoun Mohammed, Zhou Xinzhi*. A Two-Phase Weighted Collaborative Representation for 3D partial face recognition with single sample[J] Pattern Recognition, 2016, 52: 218-237.SCI

23.Zhou Xin-Zhi*, Yu Chao, Tang Zhen-Yu , Zhao Cheng-Ping, Yan Hua. Wiedemann Effect in Fe83Ga17 Alloys for Magnetostrictive Sensors[J] IEEE Sensors Journal, 2014, 14(1): 249-257.SCI

24.Zhou Xin-Zhi*, Yu Chao, Xiong Yin-Qi, Xue Lian, Zhao Guang-Yuan. Research on the magnetic and electrical properties of the Fe(57)Ni(43) line of magnetostrictive displacement sensors[J]Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2013, 42(4): 630-634.EI

25.Hou XuexianZhou Xinzhi*, Lei Yinjie. An 3D face recognition approach based on facial curve analysis[J]Computer Modelling and New Technologies, 2014v18633-641.EI

26.Shen WenshuiZhou Xinzhi*. Algorithm for removing thin cloud from remote sensing digital images based on homomorphic filtering[J]High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2010v2245-49.EI

27.Huang Jun, Zhou Xin-Zhi.  Study on area estimation of small water using MODIS data, 2010 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronic, SOPO 2010 - ProceedingsEI

28.Ding Ning, Zhou Xin-Zhi*. Time series forecasting based on improved a trous algorithm[J]Journal of System Simulation, 2007v194082-4086.EI

29.Zhou Xin-Zhi*, Li Zuo-RuWang Jian-Xiu. Design of power management in remote terminal unit[J]Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology,2005v25654-658.EI

30.Zhou Xinzhi*Zhou YongZhou YouyiWang Xurong. Bipartition model of electron transport and its new applications in absorbed dose monitoring system of EB radiation processing for wires and cables[J]Nuclear Techniques2003v26444-449.EI

31.Zhou Xinzhi*, Zhou YongZhou YouyiTang Qiang. The electron dose monitoring and control system in EB radiation processing for wires and cables[J]Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2002v63267-272.SCI

32.Zhou YongZhou XinzhiAn ZhuZhou YouyiWang Shiming. Measurements and calculations of electron dose distributions in circular materials[J]Radiation Physics and Chemistry2002v63723-727.SCI

33.Zhou Xinzhi*.  Pulse-amplitude data acquisition system[J]Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology1998v18132-137.EI



1. 周新志,李思雨,朱加良,何正熙等. 一种核动力装置动态温度场的声学重构方法,专利号:ZL 202310653819.7

2. 周新志,邱丽如,朱加良,徐涛等. 一种核电厂一回路最优测温点的选择方法,专利号:ZL 202311339028.3

3. 周新志,孙梓云,刘艺璇,朱加良等. 一种核反应堆主管道冷却剂平均温度计算方法,专利号:ZL 202210371397.X

4. 周新志,张林志,陈益潇,何正熙等.一种圆形温度场声学测量拓扑结构重建方法,ZL 202210619654.7.

5. 周新志,王海麟等. 核反应堆主管道热段冷却剂温度分布的超声测量重构方法,专利号:ZL 202111245037.7

6. 周新志,王海麟等. 基于超声阵列的核反应堆主管道冷却剂温度流量的计算方法,专利号:ZL 202111251821.9

7. 周新志,张世瑶等. 基于神经网络和换能器拓扑结构整定的管道流量的计算方法,专利号:ZL 202111244853.6

8. 周新志,程科,宁芊. 一种基于流场模型的河流流量计算方法,专利号:ZL 202111198670.5

9. 周新志,宁芊,胡美富,刘发永. 缆机与门机的碰撞预测与避免系统及方法,专利号:ZL 202010120947.1

10. 周新志,代伟嵩. 基于动态网格的流量测量装置及其方法,专利号:ZL 201910107685.2

11. 周新志,崔岢. 基于动态网格的声学流量测量的自循环槽体实验平台,专利号:ZL 201910107062.5

12. 周新志,董晨龙. 基于径向基函数和正则化的温度场重建算法,专利号:ZL 201910107298.9

13. 周新志,代伟嵩,董晨龙. 一种声波传播路径自适应组网的温度场重建系统及其方法,专利号:ZL 201910107061.0

14. 周新志. 一种水测芯块密度测量设备,专利号:ZL 201710569438.5

15. 周新志,宁芊,赵成萍. 一种推棒力测量装置,专利号:ZL 201710365403.x

16. 周新志,赵成萍,严华. 一种燃料组件锆盒组装平台,专利号:ZL 201710368671.7

17. 唐臻宇,周新志. 一种光纤模拟量传输装置,专利号:ZL201510147911.1

18. 周新志,冯希辰. 磁致伸缩位移传感器检测装置的结构,专利号:ZL 201410125680. x

19. 周新志,唐臻宇,杨阳,周余. 一种分布式微波加热干燥控制装置及方法,专利号:ZL 201310576431.8













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