教授,博导,双赢彩票-SG WIN
,光学工程系系主任,国家级青年人才,美国光学学会高级会员(Senior member)
Email:[email protected]
2007年和2011年在新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)分别获得电气与电子工程(EEE)本科和光电工程博士学位;2011-2014年在新加坡制造技术研究院(SIMTech)担任Scientist I; 2014-2016年在美国麻省理工大学(Franz X. Kartner group)做博士后研究;2016-2019年在新加坡制造技术研究院(SIMTech)担任Scientist II(Principal Investigator);2018年入选“国家高层次人才计划(青年项目)”,2019年至今在双赢彩票-SG WIN
· 2025/01 – 2029/12 项目负责人
‘片上长波红外宽带可调谐激光和光谱探测的研究‘(W2411056)自然科学基金重点国际合作项目, 人民币 209万
· 2023/01 – 2026/12 项目负责人
‘中红外高功率飞秒激光及组织微创切割的研究‘(U22A2090)自然科学基金区域联合创新发展重点项目, 人民币 257万
· 2022/01 – 2024/12. 项目负责人
· 2021/01-2025/12, 项目负责人
‘中红外超快激光及微纳加工团队’(0030904151004/005) 四川大学特色工科团队,人民币 300万
· 2021/01 – 2024/12. 项目负责人
‘新型大能量、高平均功率、单周期、长波长中红外激光 自然科学基金面上项目 (62075144), 人民币 60万
· 2018/11 – 2019/11, PI
‘Digitized high-power deep-UV, sub-ps laser for additive manufacturing’ SERC Singapore and BMBF Germany A1890b0049) SGD 360,000,折合人民币180万
· 2017/11 – 2019/09, PI
‘High-energy, high-power few-cycle 9μm optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier’ SIMTech U17-P- 023SU, SGD 190,000,折合人民币95万
· 2015/02 – 2019/11, PI
‘Amplification of mid-infrared OPCPA for soft X-ray high harmonic generation’, SERC Singapore 1426500051, SGD 2,013,600,折合人民币1007万
· 2015/02 – 2019/11 Co-PI
‘Frontend of mid-infrared OPCPA for soft X-ray high harmonic generation’, SERC Singapore 1426500050, SGD 1,952,200,折合人民币980万
· 2014/06 – 2016/06 PI
‘6 – 7 µm optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier’, SIMTech C14-P- 023, SGD 158,500,折合人民币80万
· 2012/08 – 2013/07, PI
‘Mid-IR random laser for speckle-free imaging’, SIMTech C12-P- 025, SGD 152,000,折合人民币76万
Houkun Liang, Liu Kun, Qu Shizhen, Wang Qijie, and Zhang Ying,An ultra-broadband mid-infrared laser with flat output spectrum, 2018.12.10, PCT/SG2018/050600
1. Mid-infrared computational temporal ghost imaging,H Wu, B Hu, L Chen, F Peng, Z Wang, G Genty*, H Liang*, Light: Science & Applications 13 (1), 124 (2024)
2. Highly efficient octave-spanning long-wavelength infrared generation with a 74% quantum efficiency in a χ(2) waveguide, Bo Hu, Xuemei Yang, Jiangen Wu, Siyi Lu, Hang Yang, Zhe Long, Linzhen He, Xing Luo, Kan Tian, Weizhe Wang, Yang Li, Han Wu*, Wenlong Li, Chunyu Guo, Huan Yang*, Qi Jie Wang, Houkun Liang*, Nat. Commun. 14, 7125 (2023)
3. Tissue Ablation with Multi-Millimeter Depth and Cellular-Scale Collateral Damage by a Femtosecond Mid-Infrared Laser Tuned to the Amide-I Vibration, Kan Tian, Maoxing Xiang, Xiangyi Wen, Jinmiao Guo, Linzhen He, Peng Yu, Jinghua Han, ... Houkun Liang*, Laser Photon Rev. //doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202300421 (2023)
4. High-harmonic generation in CdTe with ultra-low pump intensity and high photon flux, Z Long, H Yang, K Tian, L He, R Qin, ZY Chen*, QJ Wang, H Liang*, Communications Physics 6 (1), 228 (2023)
5. Widely tunable continuous-wave visible and mid-infrared light generation based on a dual-wavelength switchable and tunable random Raman fiber laser H Wu, W Wang, B Hu, Y Li, K Tian, R Ma, C Li, J Liu, J Yao, H Liang*, Photonics Research 11 (5), 808-816 (2023)
6. K Tian, W Wang, C Li, Z Wan, B Hu, L He, M Xiang, J Yao, H Wu, H Liang, Ultrabroad (3.7–17 µm) tunable femtosecond optical parametric amplifier based on BaGa4Se7 crystal, Optics Letters 47 (22), 5973-5976 (2022)
7. Weizhe Wang; Tao Pu; Han Wu; Yang Li; Rui Wang; Biao Sun; Houkun Liang*; High-power Yb:CALGO regenerative amplifier and 30 fs output via multi-plate compression, Optics Express, 30, 22153 (2022)
8. Weizhe Wang; Han Wu; Cheng Liu; Biao Sun; Houkun Liang*; Multi-GW 50 fs Yb:CALGO regenerative amplifier system with 11 W average power and mid-infrared generation, Photonics Research, 9, 1439 (2021)
9. X. Zou, W. Li, , S.Z. Qu, K. Liu, Q.J. Wang*, and Y. Zhang, H. K. Liang* ‘Flat-top pumped multi-millijoule mid-infrared parametric chirped-pulse amplifier at 10 kHz repetition rate’, Laser Photon Rev. 15 (2000292) (2021)
10. S. Qu, G. C. Nagar, W. Li, Kun Liu, Xiao Zou, S. H. Luen, D. Dempsey, K.-H. Hong, Q. J. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Shim, H. k. Liang*, “Long-wavelength-infrared laser filamentation in solids in the near-single-cycle regime,” Opt. Lett. 45, 2175 (2020).
11. K. Liu, H. K. Liang*, L. Wang, S.Z. Qu, H. Li, Q.J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, “Multi-microjoule, 8.8 μm, GaSe-based optical parametric amplifier with an ultra-broad idler spectrum covering 4.2 μm to 16 μm” Opt. Lett. 44, 1003, (2019)
12. X. Zou, W. Li, H. K. Liang*, S.Z. Qu, K. Liu, Q.J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, ‘300 μJ, 3 W, few-cycle, 3 μm OPCPA based on periodically poled stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystals’, Opt. Lett. 44, 2791 (2019).
13. S. Qu, H. K. Liang*, K. Liu, X. Zou, W. Li, Q.J. Wang, and Y. Zhang, “9 μm, optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier based on LiGaSe2” Opt. Lett. 44, 2422 (2019)
14. H. K. Liang, Peter Krogen, K. Zawilski, P. Schunemann, Franz X. Kärtner, and Kyung-Han Hong,* “Phase-stable sub-single-cycle pulse synthesizer from mid-infrared parametric amplifier”, Nat. Commun. 8, 141 (2017)
15. H. K. Liang, Darshana L. Weerawarne, Peter Krogen, Rostislav I. Grynko, Chien-Jen Lai, Bonggu Shim, Franz X. Kärtnerand Kyung-Han Hong,*, “Mid-infrared laser filaments in air at a kHz repetition rate”, Optica 3, 678, (2016)
16. H. K. Liang, P. R. Krogen, R. Grynko, O. Novak, C. L. Chang, G. J. Stein, D. Weerawarne, B. Shim, F. X. Kartner, K. H. Hong*, “3-octave supercontinuum Generation and sub-2-cycle Self-compression of mid-IR filemants in Dielectrics”, Opt. Lett., 40, 1069, (2015)
17. H. K. Liang*, B. Meng, G. Liang, J. Tao, Y. Chong, Q. J. Wang*, and Y. Zhang, “Electrically pumped mid-infrared random laser”, Adv. Mater., 25, 6859 (2013).
18. H. K. Liang, S. F. Yu, and H. Y. Yang, 'ZnO random laser diode arrays for stable single-mode operation at high power', Applied Physics Letters, 97, 241107, (2010).
19. H. K. Liang, S. F. Yu, and H. Y. Yang, 'Directional and controllable edge-emitting ZnO ultraviolet random laser diodes ', Applied Physics Letters, 96, 101116, (2010).