邓欢 教授、博导
Email:[email protected]
地址:成都市双赢彩票-SG WIN
2020年,双赢彩票-SG WIN
2018年,双赢彩票-SG WIN
2015年,双赢彩票-SG WIN
2012年,双赢彩票-SG WIN
[1] 主持 国家重点研发计划课题,“基于微透镜阵列的集成成像光场3D显示屏”,2022.11-2025.10,324万元
[2] 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“视觉舒适与景深扩展的增强现实集成成像3D显示研究”,2023.01-2026.12,52万元
[3] 主持 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点课题,“复眼阵列相机智能标校与合成技术”,2022.01-2025.12,41万元
[4] 主持 四川省科技厅重点研发项目,“AR光场真3D显示关键技术及应用”,2022.01-2023.12,20万元
[5] 主持 华为技术有限公司横向合作项目,2022.03-2022.06
[6] 主持 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“集成成像3D显示中微图像阵列转换研究”,2018.01-2021.12
[7] 主持 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“基于稀疏相机阵列的集成成像3D拍摄研究”,2015.01-2017.12
[8] 主持 四川省科技支撑计划项目,“集成成像3D拍摄系统研制”,2015.01-2017.12
[9] 主持 四川大学创新火花项目,“集成成像3D 显示的视觉舒适度研究”,2018.07- 2021.06
[10] 主持 四川大学科技奖励种子培育项目,“多视点裸眼3D 显示关键技术及应用”,2019.04-2019.12
[11] 参与 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“光学各向同性液晶材料及其在2D/3D兼容显示应用中的关键技术”, 2016.01-2020.12,排名第2
[12] 参与 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),“基于集成成像的真三维视频实时获取”,2015.01-2017.12,排名第2
[13] 参与 装发部预研项目,“裸眼三维显示器”,2016.12-2018.12,排名第2
[14] 参与 国家重点研发计划课题,“基于光场和集成成像的桌面真三维显示设备”,2017.10-2021.09,排名第3
[15] 参与 973计划项目,“新型光场再现三维显示方法和关键器件”,2013.01-2017.07,排名第2
[16] 参与 解放军总装备部预研项目,“******”,2012.01-2012.12,排名第2
[1] 2023年,“集成光场3D显示关键技术及应用”,教育部技术发明一等奖
[2] 2018年,“多视点裸眼3D显示关键技术及应用”,中国电子学会技术发明一等奖
[3] 2014年,“裸眼3D显示技术与装置”,教育部技术发明二等奖
[4] 2012年,“裸眼自由真3D立体显示器”,解放军总装备部,军队科技进步奖二等奖
3. 教学获奖
[1] 2023年,四川大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师
[2] 2021年,四川大学本科教学“探究式小班化”教学质量优秀奖
[3] 2020年,指导本科生获全国大学生光电设计竞赛西南区“创意组三等奖”
[4] 2013年,博士毕业论文获四川省优博
[5] 2019年,获“四川大学课堂教学质量优秀奖”
[6] 2019年,获“三信”奖教金
[7] 2018年,获“青年教师教学竞赛优秀奖”
[8] 2017 年,获“四川大学•五粮春优秀教职工奖”
[9] 2017 年,获中国电子学会第二十三届青年学术年会“青年学者最佳论文奖”
[10] 2016 年,指导的本科毕业设计获“四川大学2016 届本科优秀毕业论文(设计)三等奖”
[11] 2014年,获“四川大学课堂教学质量优秀奖”
[1] Yucheng Bai, Huan Deng, Cuini Yang, Yuan Chen, Chongji Zhao, and Jun Tang, “Sub-pixel marking and depth-based correction methods for the elimination of voxel drifting in integral imaging display”, Optics Express, 32(7), 12243, 2024.
[2] Lijun Jiang, Jiafu Lin, Fengbin Rao, Qiang Li , Yujing Fu, Huan Deng, “Dual-mode optical see-through integral imaging 3D display with large depth of field”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 175, 107986, 2024.
[3] Chongji Zhao, Zhaoda Guo, Huan Deng, Cuini Yang, and Yucheng Bai, “Integral imaging three-dimensional display system with anisotropic backlight for the elimination of voxel aliasing and separation”, Optics Express, 31(18), 29132- 29144,2023.
[4] Hang Wang, Huan Deng, Zhaoda Guo, Cuini Yang, and Chongji Zhao, “Curved Computer-Generated Integral Imaging Based on Backward Ray-Tracing Technique”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 15(1), 3900106, 2023.
[5] Fei-Yan Zhong, Huan Deng, Zhao-Da Guo, Tian-Hao Wang, Qiang Li, Cong Chen, “Overlapping-free dual-view integral imaging display”, Optics Communications, 512, 128042, 2022.
[6] Wang, Tian-Hao ; Huan, Deng ; Xing, Yan ; Yang, Cui-Ni ; Zhong, Fei-Yan ; Guo, Zhao-Da, “High-resolution integral imaging display with precise light control unit and error compensation”, Optics Communications, 518, 128363, 2022.
[7] Qiang Li, Huan Deng, Cui-ni Yang, Wei He, Fei-yan Zhong, “Locally controllable 2D/3D mixed display and image generation method”, Optics Express;30(13):22838-22847, 2022.
[8] Qiang Li, Fei-Yan Zhong, Huan Deng, Wei He, “Depth-enhanced 2D/3D switchable integral imaging display by using n-layer focusing control units”, Liquid Crystals, 1367-1375, 2022.
[9] Li, Xiao-wei ; Ren, Zhi-qing ; Wang, Tian-hao ; Huan Deng, “Ownership protection for light-field 3D images: HDCT watermarking”, Optics Express, 29(26), 43256-43269, 2021.
[10] Ji, Qinglin, Huan Deng, Han-le Zhang, Wen-hao Jiang, Fei-yan Zhong, and Feng-bin Rao, "Optical See-through 2D/3D Compatible Display Using Variable-Focus Lens and Multiplexed Holographic Optical Elements", Photonics, 8(8), 297, 2021.
[11] Qiang Li, Wei He, Huan Deng, Fei-Yan Zhong, and Yue Chen, “High-performance reflection-type augmented reality 3D display using a reflective polarizer” ,Optics Express,29(6), 9446-9453, 2021.
[12] Huan Deng, Qiang Li, Wei He, Xiao-Wei Li*, Hui Ren, and Cong Chen, “2D/3D mixed frontal projection system based on integral imaging”,Optics Express,28(18), 26385-26394, 2020.
[13] Cong Chen, Huan Deng*, Fei-Yan Zhong, Qing-Lin Ji, Qiang Li, “Effect of viewpoints on the accommodation response in integral imaging 3D display”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(3), 2020.
[14] Huan Deng, Sai Li, Lei Wang, Yan Xing, Qiong-Hua Wang*, “Dual-view integral imaging system with wide viewing angle and high spatial resolution”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(3), 1-11, 2020.
[15] Lei Wang, Huan Deng, Fei-Yan Zhong, Cong Chen, Qiang Li, “Integral imaging display with enhanced depth of field based on bifocal lens array”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 29(9), 689-698, 2019.
[16] Qiang Li, Huan Deng*, Sen-Lin Pang, Wen-Hao Jiang, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “A reflective augmented reality integral imaging 3D display by using a mirror-based pinhole array”, Applied Science, 9(15), 3124, 2019.
[17] Huan Deng, Cong Chen, Min-Yang He, Jiao-Jiao Li, Han-Le Zhang, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “High-resolution augmented reality 3D display with use of a lenticular lens array holographic optical element”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 36(4), 588-593, 2019.
[18] Cong Chen, Huan Deng*, Qiong-Hua Wang, Yu-Tong Song, “Measurement and analysis on the accommodation responses to real‐mode, virtual mode, and focused‐mode integral imaging display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 27(7), 427–433, 2019.
[19] Huan Deng, Cheng-Gao Luo, Fei Wu, Chao-Chao Ji, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “Analysis on pixel number of elemental image in integral imaging 3D display”, Optik, 128, 83-92,2017.
[20] Han Le Zhang, Huan Deng*, Wen-Tao Yu, Ming-Yang He, Da-Hai Li, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “Tabletop augmented reality 3D display system based on integral imaging”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 34(5), B16–B21, 2017.
[21] Huan Deng, Zhao Long Xiong, Yan Xing, Han Le Zhang, and Qiong-Hua Wang, “A high optical efficiency 3D/2D convertible integral imaging display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 24(2), 85-90, 2016.
[22] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Zhao Long Xiong, Han Le Zhang, and Yan Xing, “Magnified augmented reality 3D display based on integral imaging”, Optik, 127(10), 4250-4253, 2016.
[23] Qiong-Hua Wang, Chao-Chao Ji, Lei Li, and Huan Deng*, “Dual-view integral imaging 3D display by using orthogonal polarizer array and polarization switcher” Optics Express, 24(1), 9-16, 2016.
[24] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Fei Wu, Cheng-Gao Luo, Yao Liu, “Cross-talk-free integral imaging three-dimensional display based on a pyramid pinhole array”, Photonics Research, 3(4), 173-176, 2015.
[25] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Cheng-Gao Luo, Chun-Ling Liu, Chen Li, “Accommodation and convergence in integral imaging 3D display”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 22(3), 158~162, 2014.
[26] Fei Wu, Qiong-Hua Wang, Cheng-Gao Luo, Da-Hai Li, Huan Deng*, “Dual-view integral imaging 3D display using polarizer parallax barriers”, Applied Optics, 53(10), 2037~2039, 2014.
[27] Huan Deng, Fei Wu, Da-Hai Li, Qiong-Hua Wang, “Integral imaging without image distortion using micro-lens arrays with different specifications”, Optical Engineering, 52(10), 103113-1~103113-5, 2013.
[28] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, Cheng-Gao Luo, Chao-Chao Ji, “1D integral imaging based on parallax images virtual reconstruction”, Chinese Optics Letters, 11(4), 041101-1~041101-3, 2013.
[29] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, “Method of generating orthoscopic elemental image array from sparse camera array”, Chinese Optics Letters, 10(6), 061102-1~061102-3, 2012.
[30] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, “Realization of undistorted and orthoscopic integral imaging without black zone in real and virtual fields”, Journal of Display Technology, 7(5), 255~258, 2011.
[31] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Lei Li, Da-Hai Li, “An integral-imaging three-dimensional display with wide viewing angle”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 19(10), 679~683, 2011.
[32] Huan Deng, Qiong-Hua Wang, Da-Hai Li, Qiong-Hong Wang, “Virtual toed-in camera method to eliminate parallax distortions of stereoscopic images for stereoscopic displays”, Journal of the Society for Information Display, 18(3), 193~198, 2010.
[33] 何伟,李强,郭兆达,邓欢, “基于回返器和反射偏振片的分辨率增强集成成像3D 显示器”, 液晶与显示, 37(5), 555-561, 2022.
[34] 江文豪, 邓欢, 冀清霖, 饶凤斌, 李强, 李大海, “增大全息光学元件集成成像显示离屏距离的方法”, 光学与光电技术, 19(4), 24, 2021.
[35] 李姣姣, 邓欢*, 李赛, 张汉乐, 王蕾, 陈聪, “无深度反转的集成成像一次拍摄方法”, 中国激光, 47(1), 0109002, 2019.
[36] 余文涛, 张汉乐, 邓欢*, 王琼华, 李大海, “基于全息光学元件的增强现实3D显示系统, 中国激光, 43(10), 196~202, 2016.
[37] 邓欢, 李述利, 吴非, 王攀, 王琼华, “增大3D观看视角的会聚式集成成像”, 光学精密工程, 22(1), 1~6, 2014.
[38] 邓欢, 王琼华, 刘尧, “基于不同微透镜阵列参数的集成成像微图像生成方法”, 光电子技术, 34(2), 73~77, 2014.
[39] 刘尧, 邓欢*, 罗成高, 王琼华, “基于光孔阵列的集成成像三维显示方法”, 光学学报, 34(9), 0910004-1~0910004-5, 2014.
[40] 吴非, 王琼华, 邓欢*, “狭缝光栅1维集成成像3D显示器的狭缝孔径宽度对性能参数的影响”, 四川大学学报(工程科学版), 45(5), 109~111, 2013.
[41] 邓欢, 龚欣鑫, 王亚洲, 王琼华, “一种快速计算机集成成像”, 44(6), 133~136, 2012.
[42] 邓欢, 王琼华, 李大海, 赵悟翔, 陶宇虹, 王爱红, 平行摄像机阵列移位法获取视差图像的研究, 光子学报, 38(11), 2985~2988, 2009.
[1] 邓欢,李强,何伟,局部可控的2D/3D混合显示装置及光场图像生成方法,ZL 202210632661.0
[2] 邓欢,郭兆达,何伟,李强,基于回返器和反射偏振片高分辨率集成成像3D显示装置,ZL 202210173338.1
[3] 邓欢,王蕾,夏云鹏,李强,陈聪,一种基于复合透镜阵列的集成成像3D显示装置,ZL 2019111877306
[4] 邓欢, 李强, 何伟, 储繁, 任慧,一种前投式2D/3D混合投影显示装置,ZL 2020102938426
[5] 邓欢,李强,何伟,储繁,钟飞燕,一种提高图像均匀性的前投式2D/3D融合显示装置,ZL,2020108201042
[6] 王琼华,邓欢,集成成像3D商标,ZL 201620073336.5
[7] 邓欢,王琼华,何岷阳,张汉乐,一种悬浮式的集成成像增强现实3D显示装置, ZL 201810037608.X
[8] 邓欢,王琼华,罗令,张汉乐,何岷阳,基于组合微图像阵列的360°集成成像桌面3D显示装置, ZL2017108298879。
[9] 邓欢,王琼华,何岷阳,张汉乐,李赛,360°集成成像桌面3D显示系统, ZL2017108298169。
[10] 邓欢,王琼华,张汉乐,何岷阳,一种悬浮式集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201710829904.9
[11] 邓欢,王琼华,张汉乐,余文涛,李大海,基于全息光学元件的集成成像多视3D显示,ZL 201610039568.3
[12] 邓欢,王琼华,余文涛,张汉乐,李大海,基于全息光学元件的悬浮式集成成像3D显示, ZL201610039570.0
[13] 邓欢,王琼华,刘尧,邢妍,基于偏振针孔阵列的穿透式集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201510006938.9
[14] 邓欢,王琼华,张汉乐,熊召龙,邢妍,增强现实集成成像3D显示图像畸变的消除方法, ZL201510977380.9
[15] 邓欢,王琼华,刘尧,邢妍,基于偏振针孔阵列的穿透式集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201510006938.9
[16] 邓欢,王琼华,一种增强现实的集成成像3D显示装置, ZL201510223415.X
[17] 邓欢,王琼华,赵悟翔,罗成高,崔建朋,一种无串扰的集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201410224208.1
[18] 邓欢,王琼华,罗成高,赵悟翔,刘尧,一种无深度反转的集成成像3D投影显示装置, ZL201410314149.7
[19] 邓欢,王琼华,崔建朋,李述利,熊召龙,一种高亮度的集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201410319682.3
[20] 邓欢,王琼华,李述利,熊召龙,罗成高,基于正交投影的一维集成成像3D拍摄方法,ZL201410025130.0
[21] 邓欢,王琼华,纪超超,唐松,王攀,基于不同微透镜阵列参数的集成成像两次拍摄法, ZL201310245704.0
[22] 邓欢,王琼华,熊召龙,罗成高,李述利,一种投影式集成成像3D显示装置,ZL201310657442.9
[23] 邓欢,王琼华,李大海,罗成高,纪超超,一种消除集成成像3D显示串扰图像的方法,ZL201210440774.7
[24] 邓欢,王琼华,一种会聚式集成成像拍摄方法,ZL201210318910.5
[25] 王琼华,邓欢,赵悟翔,基于稀疏摄像机阵列的集成成像微图像阵列生成方法, ZL201110258498.8
[26] 王琼华,邓欢,赵悟翔,一种一维集成成像方法和装置,ZL201110141220.2
[27] 王琼华,邓欢,李大海,一种增大观看视角的会聚式集成成像立体显示方法及其装置, ZL201010289347.4
[28] 王琼华,邓欢,陶宇虹,李大海,一种解决两步集成成像中黑边问题的方法, ZL200910263533.8
[29] 王琼华,陶宇虹,邓欢,赵悟翔,李大海,获取视差图像的平行摄像机阵列移位法, ZL200910059916.3
入选第十四批四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选,国际信息显示学会(SID)北京分会技术委员会委员,中国光学工程学会光显示专业委员会常务委员,中国光学工程学会全息与光信息处理专业委员会委员,中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)三维成像与显示专委会委员,四川省医学科技创新研究会眼科分会常务委员,光学工程学术期刊《液晶与显示》青年编委。多个国际SCI期刊的审稿人,包括Opto-Electronic Advances, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Photonics Research, Optics Express, Optics Letters, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Optics and Laser Technology, Scientific Reports, Applied Optics, Journal of the Society for Information Display, Optical Engineering, Chinese Optics Letters等。