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教授, 博士生导师,XXX科技委专家,四川省杰青,重庆飞马创新研究院副总工




Email:[email protected]



地址:双赢彩票-SG WIN 滨江楼B304




2000年获得四川大学应用物理专业学士学位,2003年获得四川大学生物医学工程专业硕士学位,2006年获得四川大学通信与信息系统专业博士学位。麻省理工学院访问学者,四川省杰青,2013年破格博士生导师,2014年晋升教授;重庆飞马创新研究院(重庆快速响应小组)副总工;四川省工程技术中心(先进探测技术领域)副主任;南京国家级高新园管委会副主任并兼任南京光电技术研究院副院长(挂职);欧洲微波能组织AMPERE委员,中国兵工学会定向能专委会委员;Science PG出版社客座编辑;国家ska重点专项专家组成员,科技委专家;国家自然科学基金委、科技部、教育部和四川省专家






在《Int J Heat Mass Transfer》、《IEEE 系列》等国际著名期刊以第一或通信作者发表SCI收录论文近百篇,Springer出版专著一部,申请发明专利近五十项。 近年代表作如下:

1. Chen J, Lei J, Su P, ... Yang X*. Detection of Defects in Non-Metallic Composite Material Based on Electronically Controlled Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(3):2883-2890.

2. Su P, Yang X*, Wang J, et al. Method of Defects Detection in Non-Metallic Composites Based on Liquid Flow Controlled Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(12):13239-13246.

3.Su P, Yang X*, Wang J, et al. Detection of Metal Surface Cracks Based on Liquid Switch Controlled Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021.

4. Zhou X, Yang X*, Su P, et al. Detection and Location of Defects in Non-metallic Composites Pipeline Based on Multi-resonant Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021.

5. Yang X, Wang Z, Su P, et al. A Method for Detecting Metal Surface Cracks Based on Coaxial Resonator[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(15):16644-16650.

6. Su P, Yang X*, Wang Z, et al. Detection of Impurities in Nonmetallic Materials Based on Tilted Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70:8005009.

7. Yang X, Li W, Lu P*, et al. Near-Field Bessel-Gauss Antenna for Non-Metal Internal Defects Detection[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2021

8. Wang J, Yang X*, Su P, et al. Thickness Measurement of Magnetic Absorbing Coating on Metallic Surface by Localized Spoof Surface Plasmon-based Sensor[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021

9. Zhou J, Yang X*, He Y, et al. Shape Optimization of Microwave Cavity Using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Euler Method to Improve the Heating Uniformity[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021.

10. Zhou J, Yang X*, Chu Y, et al. A novel algorithm approach for rapid simulated microwave heating of food moving on a conveyor belt[J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2020, 282:110029.

11. Yang X, Luo J, Gu D, et al. High-efficiency electrically direction-controllable spoof surface plasmon polaritons coupler[J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127(23):233105.

12. Zhou J, Yang X*, Ye J H, et al. Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method for computation of rotating target during microwave heating[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 134: 271-285.

13. Yang X, Chen J, Su P, et al. Detection of Defects in Film-Coated Metals and Non-Metallic Materials Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons[J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 19(24):11891-11899.

14. Zhou J, Yang X*, Zhu H, et al. Microwave drying process of corns based on double-porous model[J]. Drying technology, 2019, 37(1):92-104

15. Yang X, Yin Y, Zhang D, et al. Array Waveguide Probe Loaded With Split-Ring Resonators for Sizing the Cracks in Metal Surface[J]. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(2):171-173.

16. Zhang D, Yang X*, Su P, et al. Design of single-layer high-efficiency transmitting phase-gradient metasurface and high gain antenna[J]. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2017, 50:495104

17. Wu S, Yang X*, Li L, et al. Modification of Bruggeman's formula for binary liquid mixtures with hydrogen bonds[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 238:43-47.

18. Yang X, Zhang D, Wu S, et al. Reconfigurable all-dielectric metasurface based on tunable chemical systems in aqueous solution[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):3190.









现为国家科技创新特区技术专家;重庆飞马创新研究院副总工;四川省杰出青年基金获得者;欧洲AMPERE会员;中国兵工学会定向能专业委员会委员;四川省微波能应用学会委员;四川省学术带头人后备人选;Science PG出版社客座编辑;《中华医学杂志》编委;Bentham出版社中国区大使;国家自然科学基金委评委;科技部,教育部评审专家;四川省评审专家。