
双赢彩票 > 师资队伍 > 博士生导师 > 正文

王 俊

供稿:    责任编辑:双赢彩票 管理员    时间:2023-12-06    阅读:

教授 博士研究生导师



Email: [email protected]


  • 教育经历:

    1981-1985 天津大学 学士 专业:金属材料

    1985-1988 中国科学院金属研究所 硕士 专业:金属材料

    1990-1992 Queen’s University 硕士 专业:应用物理

    1993-1997 McMaster University 博士 专业:工程物理


  • 人才项目及获奖:

  1. 国家级重大人才工程

  2. 江苏省双创团队领军人才

  3. 江苏省双创计划人才

  4. 姑苏重大创新团队领军人才

  5. 苏州市杰出人才奖

  6. 江苏省科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人)

  7. 吴文俊人工智能科学技术二等奖(第一完成人)


  • 学术兼职:

  1. 姑苏半导体激光创新中心 常务副主任及学术委员会委员

  2. 季华实验室学术委员会 委员


  • 代表性科研项目:

  1. 2013-2015“高功率、高效率、高亮度半导体激光芯片关键技术研究科技部项目 技术负责人

  2. 2016-2019 “长寿命高亮度半导体激光泵源科技部重点研发计划 主持

  3. 2017-2020 “高功率半导体激光芯片及模块的研发及产业化江苏省科技厅省成果转化专项 主持


  • 代表性科研论文:

  1. Y. Gou, H. Wang, J. Wang*, Y. Chen, Z. Mou, Y. Chen, H. Yang, and G. Deng, "High-performance laser power converts for wireless information transmission applications," Optics Express 31, 34937-34945 (2023).

  2. Y. Gou, H. Wang, J. Wang*, H. Yang, and G. Deng, "High performance p++-AlGaAs/n++-InGaP tunnel junctions for ultra-high concentration photovoltaics," Optics Express 30 (13), 23763-23770 (2022).

  3. Y. Gou, H. Wang, J. Wang*, R. Niu, X. Chen, B. Wang, Y. Xiao, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, and H. Yang, "High-performance laser power converts for direct-energy applications," Optics Express 30 (17), 31509-31517 (2022).

  4. Y. Gou, H. Wang, J. Wang*, Y. Zhang, R. Niu, X. Chen, B. Wang, Y. Xiao, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, H. Yang, and G. Deng, "1064 nm InGaAs metamorphic laser power converts with over 44% efficiency," Optics Express 30 (23), 42178-42185 (2022).

  5. H. Wang, J. Wang*, H. Yang, G. Deng, Q. Yang, R. Niu, and Y. Gou, "The Effect of Non-Uniform Irradiation on Laser Photovoltaics: Experiments and Simulations," Photonics, 493 (2022).

  6. B. Wang, S. Tan, L. Zhou, Z. Zhang, Y. Xiao, W. Liu, Y. Gou, G. Deng, and J. Wang*, "High Reliability 808nm Laser Diodes With Output Power Over 19W Under CW Operation," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 34, 349-352 (2022).

  7. X. Chen, Y. Xiao, Y. Cheng, Z. Zhang, Y. Gou, and J. Wang*, "MOCVD growth and thermal stability analysis of 1.2 µm InGaAs/GaAs multi quantum well structure," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 922, 166173 (2022).

  8. Q. Yang, H. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Gou, J. Li, and S. Zhou, "Research on the output characteristics of laser wireless power transmission system with nonuniform laser irradiation," Optical Engineering 61, 067106 (2022).

  9. Z. Zhang, H. Pan, S. Tan, H. Yu, W. Liu, Y. Xiao, B. Wang, J. Zhou, S. Sun, W. Zhao, Y. Gou, J. Wang*, S. Wang, and S. Zhou, "Spectrum-locked high-power volume Bragg grating external-cavity diode laser," Laser Physics Letters 19, 065001 (2022).

  10. Z. Zhang, S. Wang, X. Hu, S. Wang, Y. Pu, H. Li, and J. Wang*, "All-fiber passively Q-switched laser with flat-top beam emissions," Optics Letters 47, 521-524 (2022).

  11. Z. Zhang, B. Wang, Y. Xiao, S. Wang, and J. Wang*, "Impact of reverse saturable absorption on pulse dynamics in the ultrafast fiber laser," Optics Communications 508, 127739 (2022).

  12. Z. Zhang, S. Wang*, Y. Pu, S. Wang, H. Li, and J. Wang*, "Improving the formation probability and stability of noise-like pulse by weakening the spectrum filtering effect," Optics Express 30, 31998-32009 (2022).

  13. J. Su, C. Tong, L. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Lu, J. Wang, S. Tan, S. Li, H. Peng, and L. Wang, "Selective loss tailoring of broad-area diode lasers," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60, 020901 (2021).

  14. Z. Zhang, S. Wang, X. Hu, B. Wang, and J. Wang*, "Ultrafast ytterbium-doped all-fiber laser with vortex pulse emissions," Laser Physics Letters 19, 035103 (2022).

  15. J. Su, C. Tong, L. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Lu, Z. Zhao, J. Wang, S. Tan, S. Shu, and L. Wang, "Beam waist shrinkage of high-power broad-area diode lasers by mode tailoring," Optics Express 28, 13131-13140 (2020).

  16. Z. Zhang, Y. Xiao, J. Wang*, P. Miao, H. Liu, Y. Cheng, Y. Gou, S. Wang, G. Deng, S. Zhou, “High-power and low-threshold 1200 nm InGaAs/GaAs quantum-wells VECSEL grown by MOCVD”, Journal of Luminescence 263, 120022 (2023).

  17. W. Liu, S. Tan, B. Wang, Y. Xiao, J. Wang*, “Thermal Lensing Effect Reduction on High-Power Multi-Mode Diode Lasers” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35(12), 660-663 (2023).