报告题目:Delving into Deep Features for Saliency Detection
Saliency detection has achieved great success in computer vision applications. However, accurate saliency detection remains an unsolved problem because there are large variety of facts that cancontribute to define visual saliency, and it’s hard to combineall cues in an appropriate way. In this report, I will introduce our recent works on saliency detection, especially in different fully convolutional network models, which based on the hierarchical facts in deep neural networks. Our methods include:1) aggregating multi-level convolutionalfeature for salient object detection in complex scenes.2)learning deep uncertain convolutionalfeatures for boosting saliency detection, which encourage the confident boundaries of objects. 3) a stage-wise refinement model, in which a pyramid pooling moduleis applied for global context aggregation.4)based on the intrinsic reflectionof images, we decompose the input images into lossless reflection pairs to learn complementary features for saliency detection.Experimental evaluations on public benchmarksshow that our proposed methods compares favorably againstthe state-of-the-art approaches.
张平平博士现为澳大利亚视觉技术研究中心(ACVT)研究员. 他分别于2012年、2018年在河南师范大学、大连理工大学获得理学学士、工学博士学位。师从大连理工大学卢湖川教授,其主要研究兴趣为计算机视觉与机器学习。他已在国际计算机视觉和人工智能顶级会议(如ICCV,ECCV,IJCAI)以及期刊(如TIP,TCSVT,PR)上发表论文十数篇,并担任多个会议及期刊的审稿人,如CVPR,ICCV,ECCV,IJCAI,TPAMI,IJCV,TIP等。
Dr. Pingping Zhangis a research in Australian Centre of Visual Technology. In 2012 and 2018, He received the B.S. and Ph.D degree from Henan Normal University (HNU) and Dalian University of Technology (DUT), respectively. His supervisor is Prof. Huchuan Lu. His main research interests are in computer vision and machine learning. He has published more than 10 papers in top conferences/journals of computer vision and artificial intelligence, including ICCV, ECCV,IJCAI,TIP TCSVT,PR,etc. He also serves as the reviewer CVPR,ICCV,ECCV,IJCAI,TPAMI,IJCV,TIP,etc..