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Fiber lasers using special glasses

供稿:汪莎    责任编辑:陈慧媛    时间:2016-09-26    阅读:

时间:2016年9月29日 下午2:30-3:30


Prof. Shibin Jiang, College of Optical Sciences, U. of Arizona

President, Founder, AdValue Photonics Inc

Dr. Shibing Jiang graduated from Zhejiang University, and got his Ph.D in Universite de Rennes 1, Rennes, France. He is a founder of two successful US companies: NP Photonics Inc and Advalue Photonics Inc. He has won US R&D 100 Award in 2014 and 2012, he was elected as Fellow of the Optical Society of America in 2011, elected as Fellow of the American Ceramic Society in 2008, elected as Fellow of SPIE (The International Society of Optical Engineering) in 2005 Gottardi Prize, International Commission on Glass, 2005. 

Abstract: Fiber lasers are compact and rugged, don't go out of alignment, and easily dissipate thermal energy. They come in many forms, sharing technology with other type of lasers but providing their own unique advantages. In this talk, Prof. Jiang will talk about fiber lasers based on new special glasses.