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Polarization Holography and Its Application to Optical Data Storage

供稿:张启灿    责任编辑:系统管理员1    时间:2017-10-09    阅读:

      SPIE四川大学学生分会及光学工程学生社团有幸邀请到OSA和SPIE Fellow,2015年SPIE(国际光学工程学会)主席,2017年Denis Gabor Award获得者,日本Utsunomiya  University(宇都宫大学)Toyohiko Yatagai教授10月10日来我学院做学术交流。

报告人:Prof. Toyohiko Yatagai

Director, Center for Optical Research and Education

Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University



AbstractIn the time of the information, the important information storage, such as data, images, and image storage has become a challenge. Based on the Japanese national project, the presentation about the holographic data storage system will be presented and introduce the holographic data storage technology and give a further looking to the future development direction

Toyohiko Yatagai received his BE and PHD degrees respectively in Applied Physics and Engineering from University of Tokyo in 1969 and 1980. He became an associate member of Science Council of Japan in 2005. He was the President of Optical Society of Japan from 2009 to 2010. He became the Chairman of Optical Industry Promotion Committee of Tochigi and the Vice-President of Japan Photonics Council respectively in 2009 and 2010. He was the SPIE Board of Directors from 2011 to 2012. And  he was the SPIE vice President, SPIE President elect, SPIE President and SPIE Past President respectively in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. He is interested in optical information processing and holography and organic optical materials. Interferometric methods were applied to biological tomographic measurements; Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography(OCT) was developed for retina imaging, which was commercialized for clinical application. From 2009, he is supervising a JST national project on vector wave holographic optical storage system, in which polarization holography is investigated.