Talk title:Visual Objects Tracking: Challenges and Opportunities
时间:July3, 2017. 11:00-11:40; 地点:东一教108
主讲人:Prof. Yuhen HU, Professor, University of Wisconsin – Madison (USA)
Visual objects tracking is a key enabling technology for numerous emerging applications ranging from security surveillance, intelligent transportation, smart city, connected health care, to name a few. In this presentation, an overview of the visual object tracking problem will be given. Major technical challenges, including non-rigid visual object detection and localization, structured and non-planar motion modeling, as well as multiple target tracking will be surveyed and recent progress will be discussed. Recent progress of novel VOT techniques, such as deep learning will be surveyed. Emerging video capturing instrumentations, such as camera array, and associated VoT techniques will be reviewed.

Yu Hen Hu received BSEE from National Taiwan University, Taiwan in 1976, and MSEE and PhD degrees from University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA in 1982. He was in the faculty of the Electrical Engineering Department of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Since 1987, he has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison where he is currently a professor.
Dr. Hu's has broad research interests ranging from design and implementation of signal processing algorithms, computer aided design and physical design of VLSI, pattern classification and machine learning algorithms, and image and signal processing in general. He has published more than 380 technical papers, edited or co-authored three books and many book chapters in these areas.
Dr. Hu has served as an associate editor for the IEEE Transaction of Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE signal processing letters, European Journal of Applied Signal Processing, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, and IEEE Multimedia magazine. He has served as the secretary and an executive committee member of the IEEE signal processing society, a board of governor of IEEE neural network council representing the signal processing society, the chair of signal processing society neural network for signal processing technical committee, and the chair of IEEE signal processing society multimedia signal processing technical committee. He was also a steering committee member of the international conference of Multimedia and Expo on behalf of IEEE Signal processing society.
Dr. Hu is a fellow of IEEE.