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Biosensors - Playing at the Crossroads of Engineering and the Sciences

供稿:杨阳    责任编辑:系统管理员    时间:2017-04-12    阅读:



讲座题目:Biosensors - Playing at the Crossroads of Engineering and the Sciences

主讲人:M. Jamal Deen院士,加拿大皇家科学院院长

主办:双赢彩票-SG WIN

M. Jamal Deen ?FRSC

President – Academy of Science, Royal Society of Canada; ? ?Distinguished University Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department & School of Biomedical Engineering

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario CANADA. E-mail: [email protected]

Biosensors are increasingly used in environmental applications, especially for water quality monitoring. This is because the availability of safe drinking water is fundamental to our good health. However, as water resources get increasingly stressed, ensuring a safe water supply and effective water treatment becomes increasingly important. In addition, waterborne illnesses are a significant public health problem. At the same time, current monitoring of microbiological contamination of water currently is time-consuming, laboratory based, and frequently compromises the timeliness of health advisory warnings even when contamination is found. Therefore, rapid detection of unsafe water can contribute greatly to mitigating the morbidity and mortality associated with waterborne diseases due to microbiological contaminants. Fortunately, the research community has shown increasing interest in the development of microtechnology-based sensors for the detection and identification of the bio-contaminants. These sensing systems use the same fabrication technology that has enabled the drastic lowering of cost, exponential increase in complexity of electronic chips and widespread availability of computing resources. In this presentation, we will discuss a low-cost, electrical, label-free microfabricated biosensor that we have been developing for pathogen detection related to water quality and also for ubiquitous-healthcare applications. The use of nano-dimensions devices to create futuristic nano-biosensors for both environmental and health applications will be introduced. And we will also describe our ongoing work to create highly integrated and parallel detection systems by integrating the sensor, the processing electronics and the pre-processing stages on the same cheap substrate. Finally, the success of such a low-cost, highly integrated sensing system demands a convergence of expertise from various engineering disciplines, the physical and life sciences as well as public health.

Dr. M. Jamal Deen is currently Distinguished University Professor and Senior Canada Research Chair in Information Technology, McMaster University. His current research interests are nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, nanotechnology and their emerging applications to health and environmental sciences. Dr. Deen’s research record includes more than 540 peer-reviewed articles (about 20% are invited and h-index - 53), 2 textbooks on “Silicon Photonics- Fundamentals and Devices” and ”Fiber Optic Communications: Fundamentals and Applications”, 6 awarded patents that have been used in industry, and 17 best paper/poster/presentation awards. Over his career, he has won more than fifty awards and honors.

As an undergraduate student at the University of Guyana, Dr. Deen was the top ranked mathematics and physics student and the second ranked student at the university, winning the Chancellor’s gold medal and the Irving Adler prize. As a graduate student, he was a Fulbright-Laspau Scholar and an American Vacuum Society Scholar. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Electron Device Society for more than a decade. ?His awards and honors include the Callinan Award as well as the Electronics and Photonics Award from the Electrochemical Society; the Distinguished Researcher Award from the Province of Ontario; a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Eadie Medal from the Royal Society of Canada; McNaughton Gold Medal (highest award for engineers), the Fessenden Medal and the Ham Education Medal, all from IEEE Canada IEEE Canada In addition, he was awarded the three honorary doctorate degrees in recognition of his exceptional research and scholarly accomplishments, professionalism and service. Dr. Deen has also been elected Fellow status in ten national academies and professional societies including The Royal Society of Canada - The Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences (the highest honor for academics, scholars and artists in Canada), IEEE, APS (American Physical Society) and ECS (Electrochemical Society). Most recently, he was elected President of the Academy of Science, The Royal Society of Canada.


曾先后获得加拿大IEEE Ham杰出工程教育家,IBM学院奖,洪堡研究奖等30多项荣誉;以及近20项论文奖和大会报告奖。Micro and Nanosystems, International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems等14本杂志的现任主编,客座编辑,编委。IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices等近20本杂志的前任客座编辑或编委。编著书籍和会议进展共23部;书籍章节24章;专利12项;发表杂志文章309篇;大会报告,主讲报告,邀请报告和会议论文234篇;摘要196篇。撰写技术报告64篇。


2017年1月google scholar上的H因子约为52,引用约为9465。

1985.7,美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西储大学电气工程与应用物理博士,论文题目:使用先进固态探测器的CARS光谱仪设计及性能仿真(The Design and Simulated Performance of a CARS spectrometer Using Advanced Solid-State Detectors)

1982.5,美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰凯斯西储大学电气工程与应用物理硕士,论文题目:使用射频反应溅射淀积形成遂穿势垒的约瑟夫森结(Josephson Junctions with Reactive R.F. Sputter-Deposited Tunneling Barriers)
