2017年6月18日,受冯国英院长邀请,美国田纳西大学机械航空生物医疗工程系Anming Hu教授来双赢彩票
参观访问交流,并为同学们做了一场以“Laser direct writing for macro, micro and nano 3D manufacturing”为题的精彩学术讲座。学校相关专业师生积极参与了讲座及学术讨论。双赢彩票

图为Anming Hu教授详细介绍一种新型材料性能
Anming Hu教授介绍了他最近在研究方向:激光直写微纳米结构和3D制造。在这次报告中,首先介绍基于镍基合金的激光钎焊用于涡轮和叶片修复的最新进展,随后介绍了激光3D直接写入柔性传感器、3D印刷薄膜空气电池和基于激光的超分辨率制造技术,最后讨论了激光直写技术未来的发展趋势。

图为:Anming Hu教授为听众答疑
报告最后,Anming Hu教授对与会科研人员和学生提出的问题进行了细心的解答。Anming Hu教授希望,在以后的时间里能与四川大学进行更多、更深层次的合作与交流。在同学们热烈的掌声中,Anming Hu教授的精彩报告完美落幕。

图为:Anming Hu教授与团队成员合影
附Anming Hu教授个人简介:
Dr. Hu is currently an assistant professor of Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at University of Tennessee. He graduated from Shandong University with B.S. in 1990 and Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences with M.S. in 1993. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2008 from the University of Waterloo, then he was a visiting scholar of School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University in 2012. Dr. Hu’s research is focused on 3D printing, femtosecond laser induced additive manufacturing, rechargeable battery, soldering and brazing and water treatment. He was awarded MABE Innovation Award in 2015.